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Intuitive Readings

Lisa conducts readings using a combination of Intuitive abilities and Angel Cards.  Readings can be purchased using the links below.  She offers phone & skype reading sessions in increments of 30 or 60 minutes. Please contact about inquiries for longer sessions.

1 Card Email Reading with Photo

Once you purchase this service you can send me an Email with your specific  question (the more specific your question the more specific your response will be). Then I will send you a photo of the Oracle Card I pulled for your question along with a brief meaning of the card itself, and then give you my intuitive interpretation as well. Response time by email within 48 hours. 

1 Card Email Reading $22
Reiki Session

A Reiki Session uses channeled enery directed into the body using either a hands-on

or hands-above method. You can sit in a chair or lie down on a massage table with clothing on. It is relaxing and can sometimes relieve physical pain or other symptoms of illness.

1/2 hr Reiki Session $42
1 hr Reiki Session $78
Tuning in to Your Intuition 

In this 4 week workshop, you'll have fun while learning how to tune in to yourself and trust your gut more (solar plexus chakra).

Week 1 - You'll learn grounding exercises, protection, and ways to connect to the spirit world on a psychic level. We will discuss the different 'clairs' and discover which sense is your strongest so you can utilize it when making decisions. There will be many exercises to practice with alone and in a group to help you develop your senses. Week 2- You will learn which crystals are best to work with to enhance psychic ability & how to use pendulums & divining rods.

Week 3 - You will learn how to read oracle cards in a fun and informative way.  

Week 4 -  you'll use your new skills & knowledge with my assistance to practice using your strongest 'clair' with and without tools on each other.  

If you don't already own these tools you may want to purchase them before each appropriate session - keep in mind, they will be available for purchase at HSCC. 



Tuning in to Your Intuition - $99
New Moon _ Vision Board Manifesting - $25
New Moon - Vision Board Manifesting


In this workshop Lisa will lead you through a manifesting ceremony on the New Moon and then you will create your own individualized vision board to take home with you - whatever it is that you want to attract into your life, the sky is the limit, so dream big! Supplies will all be provided, just bring your ideas, wants and desires...things that you want to attract and manifest into your life!


2 hour workshop




Full Moon - Releasing Ceremony


In this workshop Lisa guides you through a Releasing Ceremony on the Fuil Moon to rid yourself of anything (thought process included) that no longer serves your highest good. Supplies will be provided, just come with ideas of what you want to let go of energetically and be ready to feel lighter when you leave.


6:30 - 8:00 PM





Full Moon - Releasing Ceremony $21
Spiritual Life Coaching 


In a spiritual Life Coaching session you will learn how to take control of your life. Lisa will assist you as you learn to believe in yourself. Your life will take on new meaning when you free yourself from limiting beliefs imposed by society, family, friends, and your ego. As you move forward on your spiritual journey you will start to see the potential available to you and see yourself as your soul does. You will be able to make the changes necessary to free yourself from self-imposed chains.  We are all spiritual beings living a physical experience. We all have a life purpose, and our soul has contracted to live out these experiences. Spiritually, we each exist for a particular reason and we can determine together what yours is. No two spiritual life coaching sessions are alike, just as no two souls are alike. Each package is individually tailored to assist you on your personal spiritual journey....and you will have goals set that will require action on your part to embrace your personal destiny. 





Spiritual Life Coaching - Call For Details








  Copyright 2015 Lisa Ouellet Designed by CW Visionary Designs 

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